Rest and Relaxation with a little golfing....

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November 15th marks my one year anniversary in Japan! Michael arrived 2 weeks before me. It's amazing how fast the time goes by sometimes. The weather in Utsunomiya is turning cold and quickly, the sun goes down around 4:30pm now, which makes for a long evening. This past weekend we were planning to go to the Ashikaga Wine Festival, but it rained on Saturday so it become a day or rest and relaxation. I have been feeling a little under the weather too so it was nice to cozy up at home. On Sunday, Michael and I went to play golf with his Assistant CE, Nishimura-san and old TE, Hayashi-san. We went to a golf course in Nasu which was nice. We had a schedule tee time of 7:37am, yes, quite early I know, but it was a beautiful atmosphere. The leaves on the trees were shades of red, orange, yellow and green. As the day progressed it became warmer and warmer. The only downfall was Michael and I played the worse game of our lives! I think partly because we haven't been on a course in 1.5 years or maybe because each hole is much more narrower than the states or maybe I was too fascinated with the remote control golf cart. Regardless of factor, our scores were horrible. Despite a bad score, it was a worthwhile experience and I hope we can get some more time to play in the spring. That about sums up the weekend. Unfortunately we did not take pictures while golfing. Have a great day!