
Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Unknown said...

Yay for your first comment!!! I am excited for your updates :)

dinorah said...

found you! :) yay.

dinorah said...

found you! yay :)

Tony said...

hey michael any kwan! got my orders and i'll be in Japan in September. I'll be stationed out of Yokosuka, but i think i'm going to try to live in Yokohama (or very close). i'll update you when i get closer. see you over there!

Debbie said...

That is so awesome that you two get to travel around Asia. How long will you be working in Japan?

debbie kao

Michael said...

Debbie! We'll be here for about another year and a half. Just about 2 years total. Yeah, we're trying to take advantage of being in Asia since we can go to those other places for much less $ than from the US. Any trips planned?

Debbie said...

We were planning to take a trip to Vietnam this summer but we decided to go to Paris to visit my cousins instead.