Mashiko...Iceman's Bar...Wii...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The weekend started off with some casual badminton on Friday night. We met up with Michael’s co-worker, Azumi-san at the Honda Gym. Azumi-san showed us the ropes on how to sign-in and all that good stuff. We played for about 2 hours, who knew badminton would be so exhausting. On Saturday, Michael and I went with my teacher, Eiko-san and her husband, Ichihara-san to Mashiko to make our own pottery (ロクロ). We went to a nice mom and pop type shop. The pottery teacher had an old style kiln outside that is not in use, but it dates back hundreds of years. The four of us got a brief demonstration on how to use the potter’s wheel and the techniques to create a bowl, plates, cup, etc.. I opted to make a rice bowl (ちゃわん) for my first piece. It turned out ok, but making it was pretty difficult. The second piece I made was a soba chokou (dipping bowl for cold soba). I was quite fond of that piece. Michael’s first attempt was a rice bowl and it turned out pretty good. The second piece he made was also a soba chokou. Michael found that the potter’s wheel was very relaxing. I on the other hand found it more stressful. We made 2 pieces at a time and then switched off. I think it allows you to relax in between the sessions. For my second try, I made 2 plates. The first plate was not as pretty, but I decided to keep it anyways to have a matching set. Michael’s second try he made 2 tall cups and a small tea cup. After experiencing the pottery making, it gave us a new found appreciation for the things that we have previously purchased from Mashiko or any handmade piece of pottery. It takes so much talent and time to create these little pieces of masterpiece that we don’t think about and use almost every day. I definitely had a good time with good company.

Saturday night, we went to Iceman’s, a bar in Utsunomiya, for Heather and Kevin Saul’s farewell party. The atmosphere was pretty chill. There were many foreigners there so it felt a little bit like being back in Ohio, except for the smoke filled room. It was a good time and we met some new people, which is always fun. On Sunday, we had a little get together at our place with the Hughes’s, Loza’s, Matt and Annie. We just ordered some sushi take out and played some wii. The Hughes’s let us borrow guitar hero and I think we are becoming mildly obsess. It’s nice to have good conversation with good company!
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