Many, Many Things...

Friday, June 25, 2010

The past month and a half has flown by. The weather is nicer and we're doing everything we can to make the most of our time here. Lately, we have been golfing more because the golf courses in Tochigi are usually within the mountains which make for the beautiful scenery.
Towards the end of Golden Week we went to Karasuyama to a Japanese paper factory. We were shown the factory and everything is still done by hand except the press machine. There were only a few workers and all were very friendly. Next, we were shown how to make the paper and had a chance to make some sheets. It was a lot of fun.
The last weekend of Golden Week we went camping in Nikko. I would have never guessed in a million years that I would enjoy camping as much as I do. It's pretty hard not to like when you camp next to a lake and can hike the mountain directly next to the site. Pretty good deal.
During the past month we also ordered delivery sushi for the first time. I think I have fallen in love with the service. We ordered enough for the two of us and it was under $30 plus no tipping. Not to mention it was delicious. Oh, the perks in Japan.
Our biggest adventure in the past month was going to a sandogoya onsen (三斗小屋温泉). We drove up to Nasu and met up with our friends the Miyamoto's. We parked our cars and then geared up to hike 4.3km which took about 2.5 hours. We hiked to a very secluded mountain hut that was a very traditional Japanese and there is no road access for vehicles. The rooms were tatami mats separated by sliding doors that were "walls". It was one of the most unique adventures we've done in Japan. The Miyamoto's have a 14 month old boy, Joe-kun, and a 3 year old daughter, Nico-chan. Jiro carried Joe-kun in baby carrier hiking bag while Nico-chan walked with us. Eventually she was too tired and Jiro or Kiyoka had to carry her. It was amazing the strength they both had. I feel like they have taught us there is no restriction on what you can do with kids. At the mountain hut, we enjoyed an outdoor onsen and a spectacular view. They provided dinner and breakfast for us and all the guests sat together in a big tatami room. This experience was a once in a lifetime thing, but hopefully we will be able to do it again. Thanks to the Miyamoto's for always being so enthusiastic about showing us new things.
In the beginning of June, we went camping with some friends in Nikko. We really like the Nikko area! We went hiking a little bit and then all made dinner together. Thanks to Tada, Kenta, Yumi, and Sugino for a fun time!